5 Piece Makeup Brush Set: How to Style, Use and Utilize a Top Quality Brush Set for Your Makeup Looks and Needs

Need a way to change the thickness and texture of your brushes? A 5 piece makeup brush set can address your problems by offering you multiple options for thicknesses built right into their composition! The beauty of a makeup brush set that has five brushes is that you do not need to stick to a particular set of rules or regulations when it comes to makeup application. In fact, all you need to do is get your hands dirty, your feet wet and try on some new makeup! Of course, foundation is the usual product you use with a large, poofy brush, but if you wanted to experiment with some painterly techniques, you could try to blot on different shades of the makeup that you use. And if you find the right palette and aesthetic for yourself, then you can jump for joy and feel the excitement – which is exactly how makeup is supposed to make you feel when you use it. You can use thin brushes for wide areas and thick brushes for thin areas if you want to go against convention and experiment. Whateve...